
Spreading the Word About Safety Through Sophisticated Research

Over the last several years, our team’s unbiased research, thorough data analyses, and investigative findings have appeared in numerous scholarly articles, reports, and peer-reviewed journals.

Such published works not only establish our statisticians as credible experts within the transportation safety field, but they continue to spread the word about related needs throughout the globe.



Spicer RS, Vahabaghaie A, Murakhovsky D, Drayer R, Bahouth G, St. Lawrence S (2021). Effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Preventing System-Relevant Crashes. SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0869.

 Spicer RS, Vahabaghaie A, Murakhovsky D, Drayer R, Bahouth G, St. Lawrence S (2021). Do Driver Characteristics and Crash Conditions Modify the Effectiveness of Automatic Emergency Braking? SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0874.

 Spicer RS, Bahouth G, Vahabaghaie A, Drayer R (2021). Frequency and Cost of Crashes, Fatalities, and Injuries Involving Disabled Vehicles. Accident Analysis and Prevention


Spicer R, Vahabaghaie A, Bahouth G (2019). Effectiveness of forward collision warning and auto emergency braking in reducing front-to-rear crashes in the U.S. market. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward Zero Accidents (FAST-zero ’19), September 9-11, 2019, Blacksburg, VA.

Spicer, R, Bahouth, G, Chen, J, Iranitalab, A,  Kingsley, K, and Strassburger, R. (2019). An Analysis of Factors Driving The Increases In Traffic Fatalities In The United States. Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 19-0147-O.

Spicer, R, Bahouth, G, Drayer, R, Murakhovsky, D, Vahabaghaie, A.  (2019-In Press). Evaluation of Autonomous Emergency Braking in Preventing Front-To-Rear Crashes among Three Toyota Models. Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 19-0146-W.

Spicer R,  Bahouth G,  Murakhovsky D,  Vahabaghaie A (2019). Evaluation Of Autonomous Emergency Braking In Preventing Front-To-Rear Crashes Among Three Toyota Models. Proceedings of the 26th ESV Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, available online:

Fournier R, Zaouk A,  Willis M, Strassburger R,  Spicer R (2019). Assessing System Implementation Readiness Of The Driver Alcohol Detection System For Safety (Dadss) To Reduce Alcohol-Impaired Driving In A Real-World Driving Pilot Deployment Project. Proceedings of the 26th ESV Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, available online

Willis M,  Zaouk A,  Bowers K,  Chaggaris C,  Strassburger R,  Traube E,  Bahouth G,  Spicer R (2019). Driver Alcohol Detection System For Safety DADSS) – Pilot Field Operational Tests (Pfot) Vehicle Instrumentation & Integration Of Dadss Technology. Proceedings of the 26th ESV Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, available online:


Spicer RS, Vahabaghaie A, Bahouth G, Drees L, Martinez von Bulow R, Baur P (2018). Field Effectiveness Evaluation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19:sup2, S91-S95, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2018.1527030.

Spicer RS, Vahabaghaie A, Bahouth G, Drees L, Martinez von Bulow R, Baur P (2018). Field Effectiveness Evaluation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(sup2):S91-S95, available online:

Leonardo JB, Spicer RS, Katradis M, Allison J, Thomas R (2018). Building the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network: How does it work and what is it achieving? Injury Prevention, 24(Suppl 1):i46-i51

Zonfrillo MR, Spicer RS, Lawrence BA, Miller TR (2018). Incidence and costs of injuries to children and adults in the United States. Injury Epidemiology, 5:37.

Spicer R, Vallmuur K (2015). Communicating consequences with costs: a commentary on Corso et al’s cost of injury. Injury Prevention, 21(6):432-433.


Bahouth, G., Murakhovsky, D., Asada, H., Fukaya, T., Suzuki, H., Liers, H., Wagner, M., (2017).  “Potential Safety Benefit of ADAS Technologies In the US and Germany,” SAE World Congress.


Sznol J., Koru-Sengul, T., Graygo, J., Murakhovsky, D., Bahouth, G., Schulman, C. (2016).  “Etiology of Fatal Thoracic Aortic Injuries:  Secondary Data Analysis,” Traffic Injury Prevention, 2016;17(2):209-16.


Ray, J., Meizoso, J., Satahoo S., Davis, J., Dermer, H., Van Haren, R., Graygo, J., Bahouth, G., Blackbourne, L., Schulman, C., “Potentially Preventable Pre-Hospital Deaths from Motor-Vehicle Collisions. Journal of the American College of Surgery. 2015;218:317–327.


Bahouth, G., Graygo, J., Digges, K.,Schulman, C., Baur, P. (2014).  “The Benefits and Tradeoffs for Varied High-Severity Injury Risk Thresholds for Advanced Automatic Crash Notification Systems,” Traffic Injury Prevention, 2014; 15: 134-140.


Bahouth, G. , Digges, K., Schulman, C. (2012). “Influence of Injury Risk Thresholds on the Performance of an Algorithm to Predict Crashes with Serious Injuries,” Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med 2012; 56: 223-230.

Bahouth, G. and Augenstein, J.. “Book Chapter: Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles: Post Crash Safety Systems” Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-0-85729-084-7.

Rogers D, Graygo J, and Schulman C. Chapter 9: “Practical Applications and Complementary mHealth Technologies: Case Study 9B. Developing a Next-Generation Mobile Electronic Health Record System for the Ryder Trauma Center.” In: mHealth From Smartphones to Smart Systems. Krohn R, Metcalf D. eds, HiMSS, 130-134, 2012.

Davis JD, Garcia GD, Wyckoff MM, Alsafran S, Graygo JM, Withum KF, Schulman CI. Use of Mobile Learning Module Improves Skills in Chest Tube Insertion. J Surg Res 2012.

Schulman CI, Garcia GD, Wyckoff MM, Duncan RC, Withum KF, Graygo JM. Mobile learning module improves knowledge of medical shock for forward surgical team members. Military Medicine 2012.

Miller TR, Spicer RS (2012). Hospital-Admitted Injury Attributable to Alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(1):104-112.


Augenstein, J, Digges, K, Bahouth, G., Cui, X, Higuchi, K., Hiromasa, T., StLawrence, S. (2011). Occupant Injuries in Frontal Crashes by Age, Weight and BMI. Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 11-0390-O.

Augenstein, J., Digges, K., Bahouth, G. T., Schulman, C., Graygo, J., Could Enhanced Occupant Information Lead to Improve Care for Crash Victims? (In Press) the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 2011.

Spicer RS, Miller TR, Hendrie D, Blincoe LJ (2011). Quality-Adjusted Life Years Lost to Road Crash Injury: Upgrading the Injury Impairment Index. 55th Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.


Pieske O, Rauscher S, Baur P, Augenstein J, Bahouth G. Höcherl E, Haasper C, Lob G. (2010). Automatic Accident Indicator: First Experiences. Der Unfallchirurg, 2010, 113(5), Pg350-355.

Carl I. Schulman, MD; Jill Graygo, MA; Katherine Wilson, PhD; LTC Donald Robinson; LTC George Garcia; Jeffrey Augenstein, MD Training Forward Surgical Teams: Do Military-Civilian Collaborations Work? United States Army Medical Department Journal. Oct-Dec 2010. Pp17-21.

Sharit, J., McCane, L., Schulman, C., Graygo, J., Augenstein, J. The Use of Observation and Interview Methods for Assessing Issues in Patient Care in the Resuscitation Unit of a Level 1 Trauma Center. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. Vol. 1 No. 1, pp 83-99.


McKnight AJ, Bahouth, G. T., (2009). “Analysis of Large Truck Rollover Crashes,” Traffic Injury Prevention, 10(5), 421-426.

Augenstein, J, Digges, K, Perdeck, E., Bahouth, G. (2009). Opportunities for Protecting the Right Front Passenger in Frontal Crashes. Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 09-0410.

Rauscher, S., Messner, G, Baur, P., Augenstein, J, Digges, K, Perdeck, E., Bahouth, G, Pieske, O. (2009). Enhanced Automatic Collision Notification Systems- Improved Rescue Care Due to Injury Prediction. Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 09-0049.


Bahouth, G. T., Augenstein, J., Digges, K., & Rauscher S. (2008). “Application of Advanced Telematics Data to Improve Post-Crash Care for Drivers and Passengers,” Airbag 2008; Karlsruhe, Germany, December 2008.

McKnight AJ, Bahouth, G. T., (2008). “Analysis of Large Truck Rollover Crashes,” Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med 2008; 52.


Augenstein, J., Perdeck, E. Digges, K., & Bahouth, G. T. (2007). “Age Appropriate Restraints For The Right Front Passenger,” Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med 2007; 51: 381-394.

Bahouth, G. T., Langston, L., McKnight, A. J., Zaloshnja, E., Robin, J., & Kumer J. (2007, December) Safety Belt Technology Countermeasures Study, (Final Report FMCSA-RRR-07-029). Washington, DC: Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration.

Bahouth, G., Zaloshnja, E., Miller, T. & Snowden, C. (2007, May). Analysis of Tow-away Crash Injuries with the Introduction of Sled-certified Airbags. (Final Report). Blue Ribbon Panel for Advanced Airbags, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

Fell, J. C., Tippets A. S., Bahouth, G. T. “An Analysis of Vehicle Fire Rates in Fatal Crashes: Is there an Indication of Underreporting in FARS,” Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, Paper Number 2007–01–0876, April 2007.

Schulman, C., Wilbur, V., Leibowitz, B., Labiste, L., Perdeck, E., Bahouth, G., Digges, K. And Augenstein, J. “The Scene Score for Improved Pre-Hospital Triage of Motor-Vehicle Crash Victims,” (2007). Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med 2007; 51: 49-61.

Snowden C, Miller TR, Waehrer GM, Spicer RS (2007). Random Alcohol Testing Reduced Alcohol-Involved Fatal Crashes of Drivers of Large Trucks. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68(5), 634-40.


Augenstein, J., Digges, K., Bahouth, G. T., Dalmotas, D., & Perdeck, E. (2006). A more effective post–crash safety feature to improve the medical outcome of injured occupants,” (Vol. SAE Paper Number 2006–01–0457): Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress.

Shalat SL, Solo Gabriele HM, Fleming LE, Buckley BT, Black K, Jimenez M, Shibata T, Durbin M, Graygo J, Stephan W, Van De Bogart G. A Pilot Study of Children’s Exposure to CCA-Treated Wood from Playground Equipment. Science for the Total Environment 2006;367:80-88.


Augenstein, J., Digges, K., Bahouth, G. T., Dalmotas, D., Perdeck, E., & Stratton, J. (2005). Investigation of the performance of safety systems for protection of the elderly, Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medice (Vol. 49, pp. 347–356): Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Bahouth, G. T. (2005). “Real world crash evaluation of vehicle stability control technology,” Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (Vol. 49, pp. 19–34): Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Tamborra, N. C., & Bahouth, G. T. (2005). “Child side Impacts: Comparison of vehicle crush in side impacts from field investigations and US consumer tests,” (Vol. SAE Paper Number 2005–01–0286). Detroit, MI: Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress.

Bahouth, J., Characteristics of Multiple Impact Crashes that Produce Serious Injuries, ESV 05-0419, June 2005


Bahouth, G. T., Digges, K. H., Bedewi, N. E., Kuznetsov, A. N., Augenstein, J. S., & Perdeck, E. (2004). “Development of URGENCY 2.1 for the prediction of crash injury severity,” Topics in Emergency Medicine, 26(2), 157–165.

Digges, K. H., Augenstein, J. S., Morgan, R., & Bahouth, G. T. (2004). “Using CIREN data to assess the performance of the second generation of airbags,” Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress (Vol. Paper Number 2004–01–0842). Detroit, MI.

Bahouth, J., Characteristics and Crash Factors Producing High Severity Injuries in Multiple Impact Crashes, Dissertation at The George Washington University, May 2004.


Bahouth, G. T., Digges, K. H., Augenstein, J. S., & Perdeck, E. (2003). “Methodology for the development and validation of injury predicting algorithms,” Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 467.

Bedewi, P. G., Godrick, D. A., Digges, K. H., & Bahouth, G. T. (2003). “Investigation of occupant injury in rollover: NASS/CDS analysis of injury severity and source by rollover attributes,” 18th International Technical Conferance on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (Vol. 491). Nagoya, Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastrucfture and Transport of Japan, US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Aministration.

Bahouth, J Contributor, Digges, K., Stephenson, R., Bedewi, P., Fire Safety Performance of Motor Vehicle in Crashes, ESV Paper 03-0442, June 2003


Marzougui, D.M., Bahouth, G. T., Eskandarian, A., Meczkowski, & Taylor, H. (2002). “Evaluation of portable concrete barriers using finite element simulation,” Transportation Research Record: Roadside Safety Features and Hydraulic, Hydrology, and Water Quality Issues. (Issue 1720; p 1-6).


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